
CBD Drinks Could be the Answer to Dry Jan

Dry January is a health trend that has gained incredible momentum in recent years – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. While the festive season often leaves many of us feeling exhausted and – let’s face it – a little sick of overindulging in our favourite alcoholic beverages, Dry Jan is often a bigger challenge than we may first appreciate. But maybe there’s a better way to curb the alcohol than simply relying on the same old boring lemonades or alcohol-free beer. With that in mind, we’re wondering: could CBD Drinks be the answer to Dry Jan this year?

The beginning of January - which also happens to be ‘Love your Liver’ awareness month in the UK – marks the end of the festive season for many of us. While December may have been wild with Christmas gatherings and New Year’s celebrations (which most likely involved more alcohol than your typical evening), January is increasingly being regarded as the perfect opportunity to relax and reset.

Its association with New Year’s resolutions also makes January the ideal time to curb our alcohol intake and embrace healthier alternatives. But despite our best intentions, this is usually easier said than done. Luckily, there may be something that could help to make alcohol-free drinks more enticing this year.

CBD Oils


In recent years, CBD wellness has taken the world by storm. This impressive little compound can now be found in all manner of products, from CBD Oils to Gummies. However, one product is gaining significant attention – CBD Drinks. 

CBD Drinks offer all the potential benefits of CBD in a convenient, discrete, and delicious package. Infused with a healthy dose of cannabidiol, the best CBD Drinks come in a range of unique and tasty flavours that make the ideal alternative to your favourite tipple. 

CBD Oils


Cannabidiol (understandably known more commonly as “CBD”), is derivative of the cannabis plant. It is one of over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids – many of which have been found to hold impressive benefits for our health and wellness. For example, through its interaction with receptors in our bodies, CBD may help to regulate stress and anxiety, as well as aid with sleep and relaxation.

These potential effects of CBD could not be further from the negative side effects we have all experienced after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. The restless sleep coupled with the stress and “hangxiety” associated with alcohol is often enough to taint even the most fun of nights on the town. But with CBD drinks, these unwanted effects are nowhere to be found. Instead, they offer the ideal option for a night of guilt-free relaxation, whether unwinding at home with the family or with friends at the weekend.

Reducing your alcohol intake, whether for Dry January or at any other time of the year, can be hard. There’s no secret there! In fact, according to the mindful drinking app Sunnyside, more than a third of its users who aimed to complete Dry January in 2022 succumbed to the temptation of alcohol within the first week. So, surely finding an enjoyable substitute to alcohol can surely only help to make a successful Dry January that much more attainable.

At Goodrays, we believe that participating in Dry January shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavour and substance. That’s why we work hard to create the best CBD drinks that are as refreshing as they are bursting with flavour. Don’t believe us? Why not try them for yourself this Dry January? We know you won’t regret it (in fact, you’ll likely be hooked!).